Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heavy, Heavy

Heavy, Heavy is the great pull downward
upward upward I push against the fall.
And work! the motivator drives onward
struggling, I cannot resist the call

Succumb to rest and darkness is pleasure
Hovering over desk and clacking keys
To proneness, to relax, be at leisure.
My mind and body the rest comes to please.

Fingers are poised press onward to writing
but failing and sluggish are the scribe's hands
the innocent sheet receives the striking
when body surrenders to the sandman.

The pleasant fit as the top closes down.
And eyelids fall heavy upon the ground.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

St. John's, Center

Can rain fall from clear blue skies?
Friendly faces smiling laughing yet lacks joy
Hugs, embrace, handshakes, words of affections
Kindled memories of just a few short years
How great is God? Who can kindle this kind of love?
Thank you friends, affections expressing
Sheep loved by a shepherd
The blessed of St. John's
Tears can fall when the sky is blue

Breakfast at Huey's (Savannah)

Andouille Sausage
Eggs Benedict, cheesy grits
Ah, how delicious

Let us not forget
Beignets so lightly dusted
'neath sugar blanket

Texas Bluebonnette Haiku (Haikai)

Earth's hands receiving
blue blankets fall from Heaven.
Texas spring arrives.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Astroworld always an enjoyable experience.

Quick X-L-R-8
We ride the twisting Cyclone
Youthful joy erupts

Bamboo Chutes gently
The Twister made her sicker
Fear not Greezed Lighting

The Starship orbits
Gondolas peacefully drift
Above, the Needle.

The Gunslinger swings.
Excalibur, cuts the air.
'world's arsenal

Wagonwheel spinning
Antique cars bear simpler times
Bitter Buzzard, mocks

On the occasion of sadness

This one cannot stop the clouds from forming
Holding back and controlling I will try
But gather they will and comes their storming
Somber vapors hanging from the sky

Gravity's draw pulls the waiting droplets
And boundless rivers flow down to water
So pleasing to the ear are these couplets
that make the drip and plop from the Potter

Out of green skies herald a greater fear
spirits push left and right, tearing the man
swirling unstoppable winds come near
But the rent soul gains healing from I AM.

Crying brings forth good for the soul he said.
Our life again raised from what once was dead.